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Links à la Mode: October 1st
Links à la Mode: October 1st
39th and Broadway -
Toddlers, Stilettos, Thongs, Oh My!
Awakened Aesthetic -
features t-shirts by the Samburu Project, which provides drinking water to the Samburu District in Northern Kenya.
Bobbins And Bombshells -
veiled headband fascinator DIY tutorial
Debutante Clothing -
vintage paper dresses that are anything but disposable
Fasshonaburu -
Sure peaked shoulders and sequins and tribal were on the runways… again. But here are five NEW trends to come out of Spring 2010 NY Fashion Week!
fête à fête -
Vouelle’s new Fall-Winter 2009-2010 shoe collection, straight from Paris!
Friend in Fashion -
A vintage tale: gorgeous lace & bows
Hong Kong Fashion Geek -
VPL’s anatomy-inspired spring collection, and how to replicate the skeletal fascination right now
Idiosyncratic Style -
Awesome style from the brit drama Skins
Independent Fashion Bloggers
When should you start charging money for your blogging experience?
Jewelrywhore -
Madeleine Albright is kicking butt with her brooches
Mishief My Dear -
four versions of the Little Black Dress that should be in every woman’s wardrobe
Oranges and Apples -
A guide to vintage shopping in Berlin
Squareectomy -
More Exposed Bits: the less flattering side of the fashion world
Super Kawaii Mama -
Travel Essentials to keep it glam! The secrets to staying fancy in flight.
The Coveted -
Do Fashion Blogs Glamorize Smoking?
The Demoiselles -
Elle answers a reader’s question about being an in-betweeny – not quite plus size, not quite “regular”
The Fashion Planner -
shows you how to get the look of Marc by Marc Jacobs.
The Working Wardrobe -
perfecting the business “ice breaker” by working your accessories (that don’t thaw out your assets).
Where Is That From? -
eco fashion show featuring local Toronto designers and design collectives
Edited by
Debutante Clothing
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